Disease of mental health that involves disruption of sleep patterns.
Examples for "sleep disorder"
Examples for "sleep disorder"
1SA is the major sleep disorder associated with stroke and vascular dementia.
2Minor symptoms include loss of smell, sleep disorder, anxiety, depression and constipation.
3Studies have shown the jab increased the risk of the sleep disorder narcolepsy.
4Study objectives: Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by loss of orexin neurons.
5Over the time Umarwal suffered from acute stress and sleep disorder.
1Early identification and treatment of sleep disorders is therefore of paramount importance.
2However, given the complexities of sleep disorders, it may complement other strategies.
3There are an estimated 40 million US citizens with chronic sleep disorders.
4She writes that he also may suffer from learning and sleep disorders.
5The remaining deaths are heart disease and diabetes deaths linked to sleep disorders.
6Migraine is associated with cardiovascular disease, psychiatric disease, and sleep disorders.
7At the Sleep Clinic of St Vincent's Hospital, sleep disorders are routinely diagnosed.
8More prospective assessment for circadian sleep disorders may introduce useful insights into similar associations.
9This is compounded by inadequate funding of sleep disorders research.
10Depression and sleep disorders contribute to fatigue in GPA patients.
11These findings may be relevant to many sleep disorders associated with poor sleep hygiene.
12Clinically, melatonin has been used to treat sleep disorders in children without major side effects.
13The goal was to treat health problems such as sleep disorders, arthritis and chronic pain.
14Sharon said the laboratory does not cure sleep disorders.
15These two genes have previously been implicated in circadian rhythm sleep disorders and affective disorders.
16The highest crude effect of nonapnea sleep disorders on ACS incidence was detected among young adults.
Translations for sleep disorders